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please review the info below  Instructions (Your assignment will be submitted in Turnitin) Answer the following 5 questions in 5-7 sentences each.

please review the info below 

Instructions (Your assignment will be submitted in Turnitin)

Answer the following 5 questions in 5-7 sentences each.

1.Should companies be allowed to patent life-saving medications, potentially limiting access to those who cannot afford them? Why or why not?

2.Is it ethical to download or share copyrighted content (music, movies, etc.) without permission?

3.4Is it acceptable to use social media to publicly shame someone for their behavior?

4.Should people have the right to choose their own medical treatments, even if it could be dangerous to their health?

5.Should wealthy individuals and corporations be required to donate a portion of their wealth to help those in need?

Write your answers in one Word document.

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