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please review the information below  Submit the .cpp source code file(s) and lotto.txt on Ecampus. At the top of each .cpp program, put your Name

please review the information below 

Submit the .cpp source code file(s) and lotto.txt on Ecampus.

At the top of each .cpp program, put your Name and class as a comment

1. Create a text file named lotto.txt that contains all numbers chosen for Lotto Texas since the contest began in 1992.  Write a program named lotto.cpp that reads these numbers and prints the total numbers, their sum, and their average. In addition, calculate the frequency of each number.  Submit the lotto.txt file containing the numbers.

Program 1 Example Output

Statistics for Lotto Texas (1992 – present)
Total numbers: _____
Sum of these numbers: _____
Average of these numbers: _____

Frequency of Numbers:
#   Frequency
1 = ___
2 = ___
3 = ___
4 = ___

53 = ___
54 = ___         

2. Write a program called qp.cpp that prints a random quick pick for a lottery.  The quick pick should have six random numbers in the range (1 – 50).  The random numbers should not contain duplicates.  Your program should also print a random statement (from a list of at least 5).

Program 2 Example Output

Here is your Lotto Texas quick pick: 42 3 33 21 49 16
Gambling is a tax on people poor at math!

3. Write a program called palindrome.cpp that allows the user to enter a phrase.  It then prints the phrase in reverse, and lets the user know if it is a palindrome or not.

Program 3 Example Output

This program is used to detect a palindrome.
Please enter a word: Hello
Your word in reverse: olleH
This word is not a palindrome.

Make your program work with palindrome sentences.  For example:
A man, a plan, a canal: Panama.

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