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Please see attached document for specific instruction and related questions.  Instruction: In this assignment, you are

Please see attached document for specific instruction and related questions. 


In this assignment, you are required to submit your
final choices for three articles in the latest APA formatting that will be used in the annotated bibliography, as well as
an introduction to the annotated bibliography that includes the rationale:

· the problem statement the authors developed to provide a rationale for conducting the research and

· the finalized research question that you have opted to investigate.

Specifically, the following 
critical elements must be addressed in your submission:

Introduction to Annotated Bibliography

A. State a 
topic for investigation that addresses the population and intervention to be examined in your annotated bibliography.

Research Topic Selected: Cultural adaptation of evidence-based interventions for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) among war veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

B. State the 
problem that you are addressing within your annotated bibliography, and support why you need to investigate the issue in the first place.

C. Develop a 
purpose statement that captures what you hope to accomplish in your review of literature.

Summary of Each Study

A. Include a 
for each of the three research articles included in your annotated bibliography.

B. Include a statement about the 
research methodology aligned to each article.

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