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Please see attachment  below.  RESILIENCY Perhaps you have observed a friend or family member after a tragedy and thought, “I’m not sure how they

Please see attachment  below. 


Perhaps you have observed a friend or family member after a tragedy and thought, “I’m not sure how they are managing” or “I wouldn’t be able to function.” Why do some individuals, despite overwhelming hardship, have the capacity to adapt and “bounce back,” whereas others, faced with similar circumstances, do not? The answer is resiliency, also referred to as resilience. Social workers help clients strengthen their resiliency as a protective factor against change and adversity across the life span.

Talia Johnson, whom you met briefly in HBSE I, is a young adult who has experienced a sexual assault. How might the concept of resiliency apply to her? For this Discussion, you explore resiliency and integrate it in social work practice using Talia’s case. As you progress through the course, continue to consider resiliency’s role in well-being across the life span.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.



Review the Learning Resources on resiliency.

Access the Social Work Case Studies media and navigate to Talia.

As you explore Talia’s case, imagine that you are her social worker, and consider how you might apply the concept of resiliency to her case. Also think about how you might apply the concept to social work practice in general.


An explanation of how you, as Talia’s social worker, might apply the concept of resiliency to Talia and her situation

Examples from Talia’s case and the resources to support your strategy

An explanation of how you might apply the concept of resiliency more generally to social work practice

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