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 Please see attachment.  Border Policies Effect on Immigrant Communities and Populations A master’s thesis Submitted to the Faculty of American

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Border Policies Effect on Immigrant Communities and Populations

A master’s thesis

Submitted to the Faculty


American Public University System



In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree


Master of Arts in Homeland Security

XXXXX 2024

Capstone Professor:

Dr. Lorrie Flores


Border Policies Effect on Immigrant Communities and Populations


Master of Arts in Homeland Security

American Public University System

Dr. Lorrie Flores, Capstone Professor

The thesis paper assesses the social and cultural impact of immigrant communities living within the border region. The policies are diverse as they cover essential requirements such as offering visas, issuing citizenship, deportation, and managing refugees. A proper analysis is based on the U.S. stringent immigration policies at the US-Mexico border. The policies have restricted the entry and treatment of immigrants across the USA and more so in Texas. Implementing the border policies, especially in the Rio Grande Valley region, profoundly affects the communities within the jurisdiction. It is because the law enforcement officer has resorted to being stricter to the extent of violating the rights of the immigrants according to international protocols such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The thesis seeks to assess the impact of immigrant policies on the social and cultural aspects of the communities within the border regions. The assessment of the immigration policies is set to make the regulations more compassionate to the border communities, which is because border policies in the U.S. have been linked to several negative outcomes for immigrant groups

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