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please see attrachment RESOURCES Mill, J. S. (1873).  Autobiography

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Mill, J. S. (1873). 


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. BLTC Research.

· This book is a fascinating account of Mill’s prodigious childhood and education, including an account of his nervous breakdown at the age of 19 and how he emerged from that. It provides detailed insight into why his theory of utilitarianism departed from Bentham’s. This work may assist you in your Week 2 discussions.
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Mill, J. S. (2017). 


Links to an external site. (J. Bennett, Ed.). Early Modern Texts.

· This same text found in your textbook has language slightly changed to align more closely with contemporary English. This book may assist you with your Week 2 discussions.
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In this written assignment, you will create an ethics case study based on provided topics, resources, and ethical questions. Your tasks here are to present the case study and the information necessary to consider it. You will choose one of the ethical questions provided with the case study and discuss the central moral controversy the question addresses. You will also briefly apply utilitarianism to the case study. This written assignment should be an essay and include the following sections and headings.


Part 1: Introduction, Case Study

In this section, you will create the case study. To complete this section,

· Choose a case study from the selection provided by your instructor in the Week 2 announcement titled “Week 2 Case Studies.”

· Present a brief introduction to the case study.

· Discuss background information provided in one of the resources.

This section should be around 300 words.


Part 2: Ethical Question

In this section, discuss one of the ethical questions provided with the case study. To complete this section,

· State the ethical question you have chosen to discuss and place it at the beginning of the section in bold font.

· Discuss the ethical question by considering two or more of the following:

· What is the central moral controversy at the heart of the ethical question?

· What ethical or societal values are at stake in the question?

· Who is impacted by the issue or moral controversy?

· What might it say about us as individuals or society depending on how we answer the ethical question?

This section should be around 150 words.


Part 3: Position Statement

In this section, you will formulate a position statement that answers the ethical question, and then support the position statement. To complete this section,

· Formulate a position statement that directly answers the ethical question. For example, if the ethical question is “Is it moral for public schools to use corporal punishment to discipline students?” Your position statement would be either “It is moral for schools to use corporal punishment.” or “It is not moral for schools to use corporal punishment.”

· Discuss reasons that support your position statement. The reasons should be moral or value-based as opposed to statistical or other information-based reasons. For example, the use of corporal punishment in public schools is rare, but this is fact and not a moral reason; so it would not provide much support for the position statement.

This section should be around 150 words.


Part 4: Opposition Statement

In this section, you will provide a statement that directly opposes the position statement and discuss reasons that support it. To complete this section,

· Formulate a statement that opposes your position statement. For example, if your position statement was “It is not moral for schools to use corporal punishment,” then your opposing position statement would be “It is moral for public schools to use corporal punishment.”

· Discuss reasons that support your opposition statement. As in the preceding section, these reasons should also be moral or value-based as opposed to statistical or other information-based reasons.

This section should be around 150 words.


Part 5: Application of Utilitarianism

In this section,

· Explain the principle of “the greatest good for the greatest number.”

· Consider how this principle would support your position or opposing position statement.

This section should be around 100 words.


The Case Study: Creating an Ethics Case Study paper

· Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to 

APA Style

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 as outlined in the Writing Center’s 

APA Formatting for Microsoft Word

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· Must include a separate title page with the following in title case:

· title of paper in bold font

· Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page.

· student’s name

· name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)

· course name and number

· instructor’s name

· due date

· Must utilize academic voice.

· See the 

Academic Voice

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 resource for additional guidance.

· Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph.

· Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

· For assistance on writing 

Introductions & Conclusions

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Writing a Thesis Statement

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, refer to the Writing Center resources.

· Must use at least two scholarly sources.

· The 

Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources

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 table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source.

· To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this 

Quick and Easy Library Research

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 tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

· Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s 

APA: Citing Within Your Paper

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· Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center.

· See the 

APA: Formatting Your References List

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 resource in the Writing Center for specifications.

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