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Please see detailed instructions attached titled Apps in the Classroom Teachers certification course

Please see detailed instructions attached titled Apps in the Classroom

Teachers certification course

Apps in the Classroom

Objective:  Learners will identify two technology apps for EACH level of Bloom’s Taxonomy and add them to their GO TO Page.  Learners will select a favorite technology app and discuss how it aligns with the selected taxonomy level, using a video presentation format. 

You must choose Apps from the two listed below using the Bloom’s Taxonomy links sites below-



Start with Bloom’s Taxonomy!  You can find many educational apps that correlate to verbs/actions of Bloom’s taxonomy.

1)   Allan Carrington has taken Bloom’s verbs and aligned them with technology apps to achieve the desired action.  Most of the apps that you will see mentioned in this activity have a DEMO video on YouTube – so if you are not sure what an app is or what it does, feel free to search for a demo video to get an overview.

Carrington, Allen (2012, Dec 13).
Introduction to the Pedagogy Wheel.  [Video file]. Retrieved from:



Schrock, Kathy. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)

On the Schrock Guide, if you click on the image of the app, you can see the name, a description, and screenshots from the app.  You can also go to YouTube and search for the app to see a demonstration of the app in use for most of them!

Spend some time exploring some of the apps at each Bloom level and find two apps from each level that will work in your content area.

This assignment requires a video presentation format. You do NOT need to worry about the presentation. It will be done by the actual student. 

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