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Please see the attached instructions. My Company is RIVIAN My Company is RIVIAN Evaluation and Control

Please see the attached instructions. My Company is RIVIAN

My Company is RIVIAN

Evaluation and Control


Evaluation and control are part of the business management process along with planning, organizing, and directing. Evaluation and control are often used to break down the control function into two separate components.

In the article, 

What Is the Meaning of Evaluation & Control? (bizfluent),
Links to an external site.
Neil Kokemuller indicates that the control function consists of developing and implementing measurement programs to evaluate progress towards organizational goals.

Post and Discuss

Discuss evaluation and control and its importance by explaining how it used in today’s business world by using a Fortune 500 company as an example (not your strategic audit company).

Reply to at least two students’ postings by evaluating their perspective on evaluation and control.


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