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Please use attachments for the entire assignment.  In this assignment, you are asked to create one cohesive document which includes all previously

Please use attachments for the entire assignment. 

In this assignment, you are asked to create one cohesive
document which includes all previously drafted elements of
your research proposal document. Incorporate your
instructor’s feedback from the previous assignments in this
course. This assignment also includes a draft of your
conceptual or theoretical framework. Important: Please be
sure to include components in the order listed below, which
is different from the order in which you drafted these
sections in previous modules.

1. Statement of the Problem: Juvenile delinquency is a major issue in today’s society.
2. Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to help decrease juvenile
3. Conceptual or Theoretical Framework (New: 4-5
4. Research Questions: Research questions are on the attached documents.
5. Significance of the Study: Read through attached documents.
6. Methodology and Design: SLP 4

Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
It will take some time to develop the conceptual or theoretical framework for your proposed
study. Begin by exploring existing theory or theories that may inform your
study. In your 4- to 5-paragraph summary of your chosen conceptual or theoretical
framework, be sure to address the following:

What is the purpose of a conceptual or theoretical
framework in a doctoral study?

How will the theory inform your research questions,
methodology, and development of your instrument?

What are the major pillars or ideas of the theory?

Topic: Juvenile delinquency

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