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Power point presentation   For this assignment you will consider your dream job as a PMHNP based on what you have learned about the role. What Specific

Power point presentation  

For this assignment you will consider your dream job as a PMHNP based on what you have learned about the role.

What Specific Age Group or Population you would like to treat. Choose one age group or population that is of the most interest to you to treat as a PMHNP in practice. Discuss common issues and treatment involved with this particular age group or population. Then consider any specific triggers that you have and how ethical issues may arise if your triggers are not resolved? Would you be biased toward that population or someone that is associated with your triggers? What can you do to resolve these issues?

Include the following:

  1. Title slide
  2. Introduction to Specific Age Group or Population
  3. Prevalence of Mental Illness in the Specific Age Group or Population
  4. What treatment considerations are unique for the Specific Age Group      or Population
  5. Psychotherapy Treatment that meets the needs of this Specific Age      Group or Population
  6. Personal Triggers
  7. Ethical Issues to Treat a population associated with your triggers
  8. Reflection on how you can overcome or resolve these triggers
  9. Conclusion
  10. References

Include 3 scholarly resources to support your ideas no older than 5 years. 

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