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PowerPoint – Making the Grade Report 2023 School Funding – Making the Grade Report 2023 Using the link below, students are to read the Education Law

PowerPoint – Making the Grade Report 2023

School Funding – Making the Grade Report 2023

Using the link below, students are to read the Education Law Center’s 2023 Making the Grade Report entitled, How Fair Is School Funding In Your State?

to an external site. 

Students will create a PowerPoint presentation addressing the following areas:

1. Create slides explaining the difference between the three main focus areas of the report. 

Funding Level, Funding Distribution and Funding Effort

2. Create slides statistically comparing Mississippi to three (3) other states in regards to funding level, funding distribution and funding effort.

3. Create one slide that discusses what you learned from the sections, What is Fair School Funding? Why the States? and Why does Fair School Funding Matter?

4. Create slides summarizing your overall thoughts on the report and then specifically list and discuss the five (5) most significant things you learned from this report. 

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