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Powerpoint presentation on your drug of choice. The purpose of the presentation is for you to educate your colleagues on the drug you have selected. The

Powerpoint presentation on your drug of choice. The purpose of the presentation is for you to educate your colleagues on the drug you have selected. The presentation must include information about the:

  • Drug pharmacology, pharmacokinetics
  • Brand name
  • Generic name
  • Dosing
  • Indications for use
  • Side effects
  • Contraindications
  • Pregnancy class
  • You must also perform a cost analysis of the drug.
  • Provide a patient case study on a patient in which you would utilize the drug you have selected and include at least two peer-reviewed evidence-based studies related to the drug.
  • Describe the appropriate patient education. 
  • What is your role as a Nurse Practitioner for prescribing this medication to this patient on your case study presentation?
  • Describe the monitoring and follow-up.

Drug of choice : Metronidazole (Vandazole, Metrogel, Flagyl)

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