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Presentation Preparation Next week, you will give your persuasive presentation for Assignment 3. Your goal

Presentation Preparation

Next week, you will give your persuasive presentation for Assignment 3. Your goal is to feel confident about your topic and your ability to deliver your message.

This discussion is designed to help you prepare for your presentation. Respond to the prompts below to share your tips with your peers, and take note of any ideas others share that appeal to you.

· Briefly describe the topic, your audience, and the key points of your persuasive presentation.

· How will you ensure you cover the key points in the allotted time? Will you use an outline? Make notes on an index card? Something else?

· What tone will you aim for – serious, friendly, humorous, or a mixture?

· What is your strategy for getting and holding your audience’s attention?

· How will you “hook” your audience at the start and ensure you have a powerful wrap-up and call to action at the end?

Consider the guidance in these resources: 

13 Ways to Kickstart Your Presentation


How to Start a Presentation

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