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Problem Set #2 Attached Files:  Business Case Exercise.docx  Business Case/Elevator Pitch ExerciseSee attached template for instructions.

Problem Set #2

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Business Case/Elevator Pitch ExerciseSee attached template for instructions.

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Assume that  =( 1, 2, 3, 4) is a random sample (see page 5 of the handout) ofthe distribution  (0, ), where  >0 is the parameter. Assume that data

Assume that  =( 1, 2, 3, 4) is a random sample (see page 5 of the handout) ofthe distribution  (0, ), where  >0 is the parameter. Assume that data have beenobtained in response to this  =(11.56,9.39,13.37,6.36)Suppose we know with certainty that  <20. Let’s use the uniform distribution ( ) between 0,20 as the prior distribution. i) Calculate the likelihood function |→ (