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Prompt: We have learned about a number of different personality theories throughout the course. Which theory or theories do you believe best

Prompt: We have learned about a number of different personality theories throughout the course. Which theory or theories do you believe best account for human personality? Be specific about why you chose the theory or theories you did. We saw that many of the theorists discussed incorporated concepts into their theory that are based on their own lives. Please conceptualize your own personality in accordance with the theory or theories you chose to discuss for this post. You can choose which facets of your personality you want to share with us! They can be “normal” parts of your personality.

Initial Post

· Integrate at least one peer-reviewed journal article from the last five years into your post to support your response

· Initial posts are expected to be at least 300 words

· Provide in-text citations and references at the end of your post in APA format

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