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PSY-358 Topic 1: Developmental Forces and Successful Aging Survey and Research Directions: Please

PSY-358 Topic 1: Developmental Forces and Successful Aging Survey and Research

Directions: Please use at least two resources beside your textbook (three sources total). Include proper in-text citations within your responses using the current APA formatting and include a reference list at the end of the paper.

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Part I: Biopsychosocial Forces

Define each of the major developmental forces below and include at least three examples for each.

· Biological:

· Definition:

· Examples:

· Psychological:

· Definition:

· Examples:

· Sociocultural:

· Definition:

· Examples:

· Life cycle:

· Definition:

· Examples:

Part II: Interviewee Responses

In 75-100-words per age category/interviewee, summarize the significant forces that have shaped their lives.
Hint: you might ask questions like, “How do you think your culture (e.g., religion, ethnicity), generation, education, etc. influenced your life?”

· Responses for early-adulthood interviewee (20s-40s)

· Responses for middle-adulthood interviewee (40s-60s):

· Responses for late-adulthood interviewee (65 and over):

Which force(s) had the strongest influence on your interviewee’s development (e.g., mental, physical, spiritual)? (50-75 words)
Hint: This might be different for each of your interviewees but try to find commonalities if possible.

In 75-100 words, discuss how their response lines up with academic research.
Hint: you might share research that supports or refutes one of their experiences with child rearing, divorce, racism, trauma, addiction, career, etc.

Part III: Successful Aging

In 50-75 words per question, please answer the following:

· Interview each person regarding their perception of “successful aging” and summarize your results.
Hint: What advice did they give you? What might they have done differently?

What commonalities did your interviewees share, if any?

· Do you feel their age influenced their response? Why or why not?

· What other factors influenced their responses (e.g., spiritual beliefs, physical health)?

How do their responses line up with the academic research?
Hint: you might share a study that aligns with their advice


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