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Puerto Rican Migration to NYC Discussion 7   Mario Perez 1. As described in the first video, the

Puerto Rican Migration to NYC Discussion 7


Mario Perez

1. As described in the first video, the experience of Puerto Ricans in New York City was challenging due to the language barrier and overcrowded living conditions, as they shared the same hopes as other immigrants/migrants traveling to the United States for better opportunities. Despite being U.S. citizens, Spanish is the primary language that Puerto Ricans held firmly to as they strived to learn English. Living in the city, they lived in 1-2 bedroom apartments with 10+ people. As housing projects were built in the Bronx, many people were determined to leave the city for better living conditions, as the Bronx was considered to be moving up in class during this time. Puerto Ricans held tight to their roots and worked hard to embrace the American culture while taking advantage of opportunities.

2. Although Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens, they share a similar experience as other Latin American citizens immigrating to America. The most challenging experience they share is the language barrier. This is a challenge for immigrants from Latin America and other countries. Like others new to the country, Puerto Ricans arrive for more opportunities and work hard to learn the language to prosper. Another similarity starts with the hard living conditions in crowded and less fortunate areas, and some of them meet their families here and move in with them. Lastly, holding onto cultural roots while attempting to assimilate into the new culture is a challenge all immigrants and migrants share.

3. Born in Manhattan and raised in Spanish Harlem, El Barrio, Marc Anthony has strong ties to New York City and its Puerto Rican community. As represented in the video, Marc Anthony performs in a neighborhood surrounded by its residents, who enjoy his concert but also carry out their regular activities such as playing basketball and baseball, hanging out on the fire escapes, and dancing salsa. I think he chose to shoot his video in this setting to showcase how his people live daily in New York and their strong ties to their culture and each other as a community despite being outside of their homeland. The similarities between this video and the first that I noticed are living in apartments and Puerto Ricans living up to their love for music, dance, baseball, and community with one another. Marc Anthony seems to be very proud of being Puerto Rican and where he came from, and portrays how his life as a Puerto Rican in New York shaped his life.

4. Discussion 7


Bryant Luis

6. Puerto Ricans arriving to the United States can be difficult because of the culture shock they experience. Even though Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States and therefore Puerto Ricans are US citizens, they still experience a language barrier as the most common language there is Spanish. Comparing Puerto Ricans to the rest of Latin Americans is a big thing, what Puerto Ricans have over every other Latin American country is that they are born American citizens, meanwhile the rest of the Latin American population have to obtain legal status through many other hoops and sometimes even then they can not obtain the status and therefore become illegal immigrants. Marc Anthony’s video is shot in NYC to me because he identifies with their struggles and wants the rest of the world to see that he too comes from a non reflective background.

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Significant Event SWOT analysis 

Rosa Ramirez

Having a SWOT analysis within an organization is extremely important. Especially for up-and-coming companies. Doing a SWOT analysis on a new company allows for there to be a structured baseline of where they can evaluate their company, set realistic goals, and develop strategies for long-term success. When a new company has a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses it allows them to make informed decisions. Understanding and addressing their weaknesses helps them minimize risks.

The length of time a company should perform a SWOT analysis depends on the function of the company. When I worked in insurance sales a few years ago in the state of Washington, we would conduct a SWOT analysis quarterly to match the company’s sales goals, and sometimes we would have to do them when there was a significant event. One of the biggest events that changed the way the company did business, and forced an immediate SWOT analysis was the California Butte county fires from November 2018. This massive fire that claimed many lives and burned over 153,000 acres of land resulted in our CEO arranging a companywide national meeting calling all the leaders to come together, in Nashville Tennessee January of 2019. Our CEO wasted no time in briefing us about the destruction that was caused, how our company stepped up to the challenge, where we could have done better, and then developing a vision and plan for the incoming spike in insurance to cover the “billions” that were “paid out/lost” in insurance claims. She wanted to ensure that the company continued to meet the needs of our customers, while not becoming discouraged in meeting sales goals, by continuing to provide coverage that would allow us to try and indemnify our customers to the best of our ability in those trying times. Some insurance agents in the areas that were affected even opened their offices for their clients to have a place to rest, refuel, and come up with a game plan with their agents. It was an uplifting event, and it kept this organization strong when the eventual spike of insurance rose across the board.



Horace Mann Insurance Company. (n.d.). Retrieved from [

Week 3- SWOT Analysis


Charnecia Weyant

The SWOT analysis’ provide organizations with the opportunity to reflect on things that its doing right, external factors, and areas where improvement can be made to its strategy. SWOT is an acronym used to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats an organization is faced with. Upon completion of the SWOT analysis, the organization should understand how to better position themselves against competitors.

Conducting a SWOT analysis is even more important for a newer company as it provides a baseline for the company to measure its growth over time. Not just that, conducting a SWOT analysis grants new businesses the tools necessary for identifying potential threats which exists amongst competitors within its field. This can prepare the new business for the possibility of implementing new strategies overtime to remain competitive while also exploring the opportunities available for them to stand out in their field.

It’s recommended that SWOT analysis be conducted at least once a year. This allows organizations to assess its performance and strategies over the last year, measuring organizational efficiency.

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