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Purpose To work with a team of professionals, select appropriate nursing interventions within the LPN scope of practice, and recognize


To work with a team of professionals, select appropriate nursing interventions within the LPN scope of practice, and recognize serious complications.


Explain care for the client with lower respiratory disorders.


Read the case study below and answer the questions. Site any sources using APA format.

The Story

You are an LPN working in a community health clinic on a team of professionals that includes a medical assistant, RN, and nurse practitioner. The clinic is just opening for the day on a day that is particularly hot and humid. A woman runs into the clinic with an older gentleman yelling “he can’t breathe.” The client appears flushed (reddened skin), is unable to speak, and appears very short of breath. The client’s wife tells you that he has “emphysema” and refuses to put the air conditioning on in their home because he is afraid the electric bill will be too high. She also tells you that he ran out of his medications, including his inhalers and prednisone, almost 2 weeks ago. The client has a respiratory rate of 44 and an O2 Sat. of 84% on room air. His blood pressure is 168/100.

Question 1: List two nursing interventions that should be done immediately. (2-3 sentences)

Question 2: What environmental factor(s) do you think contributed to the client’s current situation? (2-3 sentences)

Question 3: What danger could the client face by abruptly stopping prednisone? (5-10 sentences)

Question 4: Explain why compliance is important in managing chronic diseases such as COPD? (5-10 sentences)

Question 5: After this client is stabilized and his breathing improves. What should be addressed with him on his next clinic visit? (5-10 sentences)

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