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QSO 680 Module Four Team Activity Part II Guidelines and Rubric Overview In the project management profession, if you have not already been part of a

QSO 680 Module Four Team Activity Part II Guidelines and Rubric


In the project management profession, if you have not already been part of a project team, you likely will be at some point in your career. This activity is meant to simulate the opportunities and challenges of teamwork.

The use of teams in business creates diverse views and experiences to address the issue at hand, most often leading to increased productivity and better problem solving. The most common challenge in teamwork is conflict, but if each member of a team shares a goal and an equal commitment to the final outcome, the challenges can be mitigated.

In Part II of the team activity, you will create a balanced scorecard for the final project case study.

Note: Although you are submitting one balanced scorecard for the entire group, be aware that each student will be expected to incorporate feedback and submit an individually prepared balanced scorecard as part of the final project.


Once you have discussed the balanced scorecard framework uses, advantages, and disadvantages, together as a team, create a balanced scorecard for the final project case study. It is the responsibility of the team to work out roles of each team member. You may want all members to create a draft of a balanced scorecard to share, or you may want to assign the first draft to one person who seems well-suited for the task, with each member supplying information from the case study and providing feedback as needed. Keep the deadline in mind and use the skills of project management to create a schedule that enables the team to deliver a quality product (the balanced scorecard) on time.

  1. Create a balanced scorecard for the case study Value-Driven Project and Portfolio Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry that represents an analysis of program management using the four measurement metrics of a standard balanced scorecard:

What to Submit

Your paper must be submitted as a one-page Microsoft Word document with all sources cited in APA format. One student on your team will submit the balanced scorecard for the team. Please be sure that the names of all team members are on the document.

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