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Remove or Replace: Header Is Not Doc Title Research Breakdown Worksheet Directions: Choose one of the following

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Research Breakdown Worksheet

Directions: Choose one of the following two articles, and then complete the worksheet below. Be sure to write in full sentences and paragraphs and to properly cite and reference your work.

Self-Serving Bias:

Sanjuan, P., & Magallares, A. (2014). Coping strategies as mediating variables between self-serving attributional bias and subjective well-being.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 15(2), 442–453.


Critcher, C. R., & Ferguson, M. J. (2016). “Whether I like it or not, it’s important”: Implicit importance of means predicts self-regulatory persistence and success.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 110(6), 818–839.

The full reference for your article

The hypothesis or research question (in your own words, not quoted). Include in-text citation.

The researchers’ conclusion (in your own words in fully developed paragraph, not quoted). Include in-text citation.

Describe the research method in 2–3 sentences (in your own words, not quoted). Include in-text citation.

In at least one fully developed paragraph, describe how this research could apply to your professional or daily life.




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