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Research Application-Psychology is a science and gathers its information from inquiry and research studies. · To gain more experience

Research Application-Psychology is a science and gathers its information from inquiry and research studies.

· To gain more experience with the science of developmental psychology, you will need to 

locate a peer-reviewed empirical journal article
 (it contains an introduction, methods, results, and discussion sections)

· Next, briefly 

describe the research study and

 (case study, correlational, experiment, longitudinal, cross-sectional, sequential, etc.), and 

the results


Propose a new study
 that uses a different design. Explain how this design can add value to the topic (the goal of this section is for you to demonstrate your understanding of different research designs and their strengths and weaknesses).

· Be sure to include a conclusion as your final paragraph.

Use the following headings within this area:



Proposal of new study

References – This should be on a final page by itself; center the title and make sure sources are in correct APA format.

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