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Research design refers to the specific type of study that you will conduct. Research design is normally consistent with the philosophical worldview and

Research design refers to the specific type of study that you will conduct. Research design is normally consistent with the philosophical worldview and methodological approach of the researcher. In this case, you are using a quantitative methodology. As we have discussed in this course, quantitative research designs include experimental and non experimental. You will be using a non-experimental design that can include descriptive statistics, correlational or causal comparative research methods.

Research methods refer to specific procedures selected based on the chosen design. This is where you will provide detail on how you collected and analyzed your data. For quantitative methodologies, research methods can be quite detailed and require that attention be paid to recruitment, sampling, sampling frame, sample size, surveys, pilot tests, observations, data collection, data analysis, statistical procedures, data interpretation, coding, validity, reliability, generalizability, reporting, etc.

Research design submission should include the below elements:

  • Research Methodology: Describe and justify the choice of research methodology and why it was most suitable to solve the problems. Be sure to compare this choice with the design that was not selected.
  • Research Design: Explain whether the research design is exploratory, causal, or descriptive. Provide the rationale for the choice
  • choice. Research Methods: Review the research questions and hypotheses you developed in Unit II, and then decide on the most appropriate research methods to test your hypotheses. They might include a combination of experimentation, descriptive statistics, correlation, and casual-comparative methods. Be sure to specify which method will be used to test which research question and hypotheses, and explain why that method was most appropriate.
  • which research question and hypotheses, and explain why that method was most appropriate. Data Collection Methods: Specify how the data were most likely collected to test the hypotheses. Data collection methods include, but are not limited to, survey, observation, and records analysis. Be sure to specify which data collection method was used to collect the data needed for each research question and hypothesis. Please note that one data collection method could capture the data for several research questions and hypotheses.
  • Sampling Design: Briefly describe the type of sampling design that was most likely used for the data that were collected. Choices include, but are not limited to, random sample, convenience sample, etc. Explain your rationale for your sampling design selection(s).
  • Data Analysis Procedures: Specify which statistical procedures will be used to test each of your hypotheses from among correlation, regression, t test, and ANOVA. Explain why each procedure was the most appropriate choice.

The title and reference pages do not count toward the page requirement for this assignment. This assignment should be no less than two pages in length, follow APA-style formatting and guidelines, and use references and citations as necessary.

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