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.  Research one (or more) NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation reports that have impacted the way the fire service “does business”. 2. Discuss the

.  Research one (or more) NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation reports that have impacted the way the fire service “does business”.

2. Discuss the issue presented in the NIOSH report or reports.

3. Discuss how the incident or incidents affected the fire service as a whole.

4. Discuss how the incident impacted your department or local department’s SOPs.

5. Did the incident produce legislation? 

6. Were there any legal issues that resulted from this incident?

7. What recommendations were made in the NIOSH report or reports?

8. Was the Incident Command System functioning and was a Safety Officer present? 

9.  Discuss any additional recommendations to improve safety procedures in your department, your local area department, or the fire service as a whole?

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