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  Respond to at least two colleagues: Compare your response with your colleague’s. Identify any insights you gained from your peer’s response. Explain


Respond to at least two colleagues:

  • Compare your response with your colleague’s. Identify any insights you gained from your peer’s response.
  • Explain whether or how to address values related to the development and use of other theories in general when working with clients.


Summarize the assumptions of Freud’s psychoanalytical theory in 2–3 sentences.

Freud’s psychoanalytical theory believes human behavior is driven by unconscious motives and desires shaped by early childhood experiences (F. J. Turner, 2017). The repetition of relationship patterns often reflects an individual’s internal working model, shaping how they navigate specific conflicts. Additionally, Freud believed that unresolved conflicts from childhood can manifest as psychological issues in adulthood.

Explain whether you believe it is appropriate to apply psychoanalytic theory to women and individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups.

Historical arguments are made that there is empirical evidence to support the relationship between eugenics in Western psychology and the continued acceptance of racism, sexism, and colonialism (Yakushko, 2020). While the foundational concepts of psychoanalysis may offer valuable insights into human behavior and development for individuals of all backgrounds, it’s crucial to recognize that cultural and societal factors can significantly shape experiences and psychological processes.

Explain whether you believe psychoanalytic theory is consistent with social work values and social work ethics.

The primary aim of social work is to improve the overall welfare and address the fundamental needs of individuals across all communities (Code of Ethics: English, n.d.) Failure to be aware of countertransference can lead to unethical actions, detrimental consequences for clients and social workers, and the profession’s integrity. Freud disregarded minorities and women, which does not align with the social work code of ethics. When using psychoanalytic theory, social workers must consider properly using interventions that align with the NASW guidelines


  • Summarize the assumptions of Freud’s psychoanalytical theory in 2–3 sentences.

Based on my understanding of our reading Freud’s psychoanalytical theory spotlights the serious impact that early childhood has on a person’s psychological development. Freud’s assumptions were that the psyche is divided into three (3) parts, the id, ego and superego. These three (3) parts processes what he claims are the conflicts between the conscious and unconscious mind (Turner & Lehning, 2007).

  • Explain whether you believe it is appropriate to apply psychoanalytic theory to women and individuals from racial and ethnic minority groups.

I believe that is completely appropriate to apply psychoanalytic theory to women and racial and ethnic minority groups. Freud believed and advocated for creating free community-based clinics so that everyone, including women and those in the racial and minority groups, could receive care no matter their ability to pay.

  • Explain whether you believe psychoanalytic theory is consistent with social work values and social work ethics.

Based on the issues that social workers face every day (poverty, social issues, discrimination and more), I fully believe that the psychoanalytic theory aligns with the values and ethics of social work. While Freud was very judgmental of women, his basis for treatment is what helped shape the social work field of today. If we judged everything on the person who “created” it, we wouldn’t be near as far as we are today.

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