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Respond to the following discussion prompt: 500 words with intext citations Due 6/20/2024 Discussion 3-1: Compliance

Respond to the following discussion prompt: 500 words with intext citations

Due 6/20/2024

Discussion 3-1: Compliance within the Workstation Domain

What are some risks, threats, and vulnerabilities commonly found in the Workstation Domain that must be mitigated through a layered security strategy? Explain how confidentiality, data integrity, and availability (C-I-A) can be achieved in the Workstation Domain with security controls and security countermeasures.

Respond to the following discussion prompt: 500 words with intext citations

Due 6/20/2024

Discussion 3-2: Compliance within the LAN-to-WAN Domain

What are some common risks, threats, and vulnerabilities found in the LAN-to-WAN Domain that must be mitigated through a layered security strategy? How would you monitor for unauthorized management access attempts to sensitive systems?

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