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Retention Survey Instructions: This questionnaire includes a series of multiple choice, yes/no, numerical and open-ended

Retention Survey


This questionnaire includes a series of multiple choice, yes/no, numerical and open-ended questions. To record your responses, either select the box or boxes that correspond to your answer choice or type your answer in the space provided.

Please use the navigation buttons located at the bottom of this window to move back and forth through the survey. Do not use your browser buttons.

At anytime you may pause and resume the survey. To do this, simply click “SAVE” and your survey responses will be stored. You will then be provided with further instructions to save your data.

Completed questionnaire responses should be submitted by
March 30, 2024.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact Quiana Bell at [email protected] especially if it makes the difference between participating or not. Thank you!


Working for a school or district, but not as a k-12 teacher

Caring for family members

Working outside of education



Working in pre-K or postsecondary ed

College student


Working in k-12 but not in a school or district

Why Do Teachers Leave the Profession?


Family/personal reasons


To pursue another job

Financial reasons

Why Do Teachers Move Schools?


Family/personal reasons

To teach at another school

Financial reasons

Retirement benefits

Teacher Reasons for Leaving:

Areas of Dissatisfaction – Dissatisfaction With Assessment and Accountability Issues

Dissatisfied because of assessments and accountability measures

Dissatisfied because not enough support to prepare students for assessments

Dissatisfied with compensation tied to student performance

Teacher Reasons for Leaving:

Areas of Dissatisfaction –Dissatisfaction With Administrative Issues

Dissatisfied with the administration

Too many intrusions on teaching time

Discipline issues were an issue at school

Not enough autonomy in the classroom

Dissatisfied with lack of influence over school policies and practices

Teacher Reasons for Leaving:
Areas of Dissatisfaction – Dissatisfaction With Teaching Career

Dissatisfied with teaching as a career

Not enough opportunities for leadership or professional advancement

Teacher Reasons for Leaving:
Areas of Dissatisfaction – Dissatisfaction With Working Conditions

Dissatisfied with job description or assignmen

Dissatisfied with large class sizes

Dissatisfied with working conditions (facilities, classroom resources, school safety)

Teacher Reasons for Leaving:
Areas of Dissatisfaction – Personal or Life Reasons

Wanted to take a job more conveniently located

Other personal life reasons (e.g., pregnancy/child care, health, caring for family)

Teacher Reasons for Leaving:
Areas of Dissatisfaction – Change of Career

Decided to pursue another career

Taking courses to improve career opportunities within the field of education

Taking courses to improve career opportunities outside the field of education

Teacher Reasons for Leaving:
Areas of Dissatisfaction – Retirement

Decided to retire or receive retirement benefits

Teacher Reasons for Leaving:
Areas of Dissatisfaction – Financial Reasons

Wanted or needed a higher salary

Needed better benefits

Concerned about job security

11. Educator Characteristics




12. Educator Field of Study

13. Educator School Characteristics



14. Where Do Teachers Who Leave the Profession Go?

Thank you for your participation in this survey!

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