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Role of critical thinking in pathophisiology Pathophysiology is the foundation of health and disease. Collaboration with healthcare members from

Role of critical thinking in pathophisiology

Pathophysiology is the foundation of health and disease. Collaboration with healthcare members from other professions and organizations is essential for individual and population health. In your role as an 
advanced practice nurse, you will be required to employ 
critical thinking to underlying pathophysiology of disease processes to mitigate morbidity.

In this week’s assessment, you will select a disease or disorder that impacts one of the body systems covered this week (musculoskeletal, neurologic, or psychiatric). The disease or disorder will be the subject matter of your paper. You will use critical thinking skills to evaluate the impact that the disease or disorder has on population health. 

Assessment Deliverable

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper focusing on your selected disease or disorder, its impact on population health, and what you can do to mitigate some of its effects. In your paper:

· Explain how the pathophysiology of this disease process impacts population health.

· Discuss your role as an advanced practice nurse in education, administration, or informatics in mitigating the morbidity of this disease process.

· Identify two healthcare professions or organizations with whom you will collaborate to decrease community morbidity for this disease process.

· Formulate a plan for how collaboration with each profession or organization will decrease morbidity.


Pathophysiology impacts population health

30% of total grade

Role in mitigating morbidity

25% of total grade


10% of total grade

Collaboration plan

25% of total grade

Analyze alternative

5% of total grade

APA, Grammar, and Writing Mechanics

3% of total grade

Supporting evidence

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