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RWH week 3 powerpoint  turn info into powerpoint Workflow Improvement in a Mental Health Clinic Identification of

RWH week 3 powerpoint 

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Workflow Improvement in a Mental Health Clinic

Identification of Workflow Issues

Patient Intake: Long waiting times and repetitive paperwork.

Appointment Scheduling: Inefficiencies in booking and handling cancellations.

Communication: Poor coordination among healthcare providers.

Documentation: Time-consuming processes prone to errors.

Technology for Improvement

Electronic Health Records (EHR) Systems EHRs streamline patient documentation, reduce errors, and improve accessibility of patient information. Studies have shown that EHR implementation can significantly enhance clinical workflows and patient care (Boonstra et al., 2014).

Telehealth Platforms These platforms reduce no-show rates and increase access to care, especially for remote or underserved populations. Telehealth has been found to be effective in mental health care, providing convenience and accessibility for patients (Shore et al., 2018).

Automated Appointment Reminders SMS or email reminders can reduce no-show rates and improve clinic efficiency. Automated reminders have been associated with improved appointment adherence and reduced administrative burden (Guy et al., 2012).

Practice Management Software This integrates scheduling, billing, and patient communication in one platform, streamlining various administrative tasks and enhancing operational efficiency (DeLuca et al., 2020).

Considerations for Workflow Redesign or New Technology


Patients: Improved experience, reduced wait times, better access to care.

Staff: Reduced administrative burden, more efficient workflows, improved job satisfaction.

Clinic Operations: Streamlined processes, reduced errors, improved coordination.


Initial Investment: Purchase of technology, installation, and training.

Ongoing Costs: Maintenance, updates, and potential subscription fees.

Cost-Benefit Analysis: Comparing the cost of implementation with potential savings from improved efficiency and reduced errors.

Measures of Success

Patient Outcomes: Improvements in patient satisfaction and health outcomes.

Operational Metrics: Reductions in waiting times, appointment no-show rates, and administrative workload.

Financial Performance: Cost savings from reduced errors and improved efficiency.

Staff Feedback: Feedback on usability and impact on workflow.

Example: Implementing an EHR System


Patients: Faster access to health records, reduced need for repetitive information sharing, enhanced care coordination.

Staff: Easier documentation, access to patient history, streamlined communication.

Clinic: Improved data management, better compliance with regulations, optimized resource allocation.


Initial Costs: EHR system purchase, hardware (computers, servers), training for staff.

Ongoing Costs: Software updates, IT support, licensing fees.

Measures of Success

Patient Outcomes: Measure patient satisfaction through surveys and track health outcomes using the system.

Operational Metrics: Monitor documentation time, error rates, and time taken for administrative tasks.

Financial Performance: Evaluate cost savings from reduced paper use, fewer errors, and improved billing processes.

Staff Feedback: Regularly collect and analyze feedback from healthcare providers on system usability and impact on workflow.

Implementation Steps

Needs Assessment: Determine specific clinic needs and workflow bottlenecks.

Vendor Selection: Research and select a suitable EHR system.

Pilot Testing: Implement the system in a small part of the clinic to test functionality and gather initial feedback.

Training: Conduct comprehensive training sessions for all staff.

Full Implementation: Roll out the EHR system across the clinic.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor the system’s performance and gather feedback for ongoing improvements.


Boonstra, A., Versluis, A., & Vos, J. F. J. (2014). Implementing electronic health records in hospitals: A systematic literature review.
BMC Health Services Research, 14(1), 370.

DeLuca, J. M., Baum, J. R., & Agresta, T. (2020). Enhancing practice efficiency and patient care: Examining the effects of practice management software adoption in health care.
Journal of Medical Systems, 44(1), 22.

Guy, R., Hocking, J., Wand, H., Stott, S., Ali, H., Kaldor, J., & Fairley, C. (2012). How effective are short message service reminders at increasing clinic attendance? A meta-analysis and systematic review.
Health Services Research, 47(2), 614-632.

Shore, J. H., Yellowlees, P., Caudill, R., Johnston, B., Turvey, C., Mishkind, M., & Krupinski, E. (2018). Best practices in videoconferencing-based telemental health.
Telemedicine and e-Health, 24(11), 827-832.

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