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Scenario: As one of the literacy coaches in your school district, you have been asked to develop a presentation to share scientifically based

Scenario: As one of the literacy coaches in your school district, you have been asked to develop a presentation to share scientifically based interventions at an upcoming professional development conference in your district. 

Select 1 of the students from the case studies in the “

Five Domains of Reading
” learning module that relates to one of the following domains of reading:  

· Phonemic awareness 

· Phonics 

· Vocabulary 

· Fluency 

· Comprehension  


Research scientifically-based interventions and accommodations for your student using the resources shared in the “Scientifically Based Interventions” video from Educational Impact found in this week’s learning activities. It is recommended that you consult websites containing only scientifically-based interventions, such as

Intervention Central

What Works Clearinghouse
, and the

National Center on Intensive Intervention
. Avoid sites such as teacher blogs and personal websites.


Locate at least 8 interventions and/or accommodations that specifically target the selected reading domain.


Create a 10- slide presentation to display your interventions/accommodations that includes the following: 

· A profile of the selected student with identified areas for intervention and/or accommodation

· Steps or directions for implementing each intervention and/or accommodation

· An explanation of how you would select appropriate reading texts to meet the instructional needs of the student you identified 

· Detailed speaker notes 

· A title slide, an introduction, a conclusion, and a reference slide 

· Resources cited according to APA guidelines

Note: You may find helpful resources for creating your presentation in the

Technology Resources Library

Create a 1-page summary handout to accompany your presentation. 

Submit your assignment. 

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