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See attached instructions and supportive documents. Instructions: The document

See attached instructions and supportive documents.


The document should include:

Two pages in length including an abstract, and a reference page.

Abstract: An abstract is a brief, comprehensive summary of your topic. The abstract should be 350 words
or less and should be accurate, non-evaluative, coherent, readable, and concise. The following elements of an abstract should be included:

a.      The research problem or issue you are presenting

b.      Phase 1, 2, & 3 (Documents attached)

c.       Your conclusions

d.      Implications for nursing education and the nursing profession

Reference page:

a.      All of the sources used in your abstract and in phases 1,2, and 3 must be included.

b.      The list should follow APA format. Authors should be alphabetized by the last name of the author, double spaced, and have a hanging indent.

c.       The sources must be relevant to the topic, peer-reviewed and/or evidence-based, and current (within 5 years).

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