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See attached. Lab 9 Learning Activities Please complete the following: 1. Read chapter 10 – Transaction

See attached.

Lab 9
Learning Activities

Please complete the following:
1. Read chapter 10 – Transaction management, concurrency control & database recovery.
Be sure to familiarize yourself with the various types of controls.
You are not responsible for learning the new code, but you need to understand the concepts.

Lab 9
Answer the questions below. Please provide the questions and the answers. Submissions will be checked for plagiarism.

Describe the three most common problems with concurrent transaction execution. Please use the word robot in each sentence.
Explain how concurrency control can be used to avoid those problems.

What is a relocket and how does it work in general?

What are some disadvantages of time stamping methods for concurrency control?

What DBMS component is responsible for concurrency control? How is this feature used to resolve conflicts?

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