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see attached Carefully follow the instructions and the Grading Rubric for this assignment.  · Create a Reflective Essay using a Word Document file.

see attached

Carefully follow the instructions and the Grading Rubric for this assignment. 

· Create a Reflective Essay using a Word Document file. Use APA 7th edition formatting and include a title and reference page.

· Write a 4 pages double-spaced reflective essay sharing your experiences with how stress can impact mental and physical health and your recommendations on how to cope with stress. Make sure to include the following along with your experience:

· Explain why stress occurs.  Give at least 3 reasons.

· Elaborate on at least 3 biological consequences of stress, emotion, and cognitive outlook on overall health.

· Explain at least 3 ways stress can help to motivate someone to change their behavior.

· This essay needs to be in APA 7th edition format and include the following: a clear introduction with a topic sentence, at least 3 paragraphs in the body, and a conclusion followed by at least 2 scholarly references. 

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