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see attachment  Attachment Instructions: 1. Select three scientific studies related to attachment. Make

see attachment 



1. Select three scientific studies related to attachment. Make a one-paragraph summary of each of the selected resources.

2. Discuss the importance of attachment in childhood or early childhood and its repercussions (positive or negative). You can cite examples to illustrate your point.

3. Please give your opinion on the 
findings and explain them in your own words. Do you agree with the conclusions of the studies? Explain your approach.

Contribute a minimum of 5 pages. It should include at least 3 academic sources, formatted and cite in APA.

Be sure to review the 

academic expectations
 for your submission.

Submission Instructions:

· Submit your assignment by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday.

· Review the rubric to determine how your assignment will be graded.

· Your assignment will be run through TurnItIn to check for plagiarism. 

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