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See attachment. CPSS/415 v2 Client Jennifer Scott Background CPSS/415 v2 Page 2 of 2 Client Jennifer Scott Background

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CPSS/415 v2

Client Jennifer Scott Background

CPSS/415 v2

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Client Jennifer Scott Background

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Client Information


Jennifer Scott



Grade Level:




Substance Abuse Disorder (Marijuana)

Conduct Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


Jennifer Scott is a 15-year-old bi-racial female, that identifies as lesbian. Jennifer resides with her maternal grandmother in a rural community with limited services. Her biological father is deceased and the whereabouts of the mother is unknown. Jennifer has 4 siblings, two older and two younger. The minor siblings are in the custody of child services and reside with various relatives. Jennifer’s legal guardian is elderly and has traditional southern Baptist beliefs. Jennifer has resided with her grandmother since the age of 3. Due to Jennifer’s runaway history, she has not consistently attended school in the last three years.

Presenting juvenile case

Jennifer currently appears before the juvenile court for Runaway and Felony Auto Theft charges. Jennifer’s whereabouts were unknown for approximately three months; when she was arrested with two known gang members on an Auto Theft Charges.

Prior juvenile history

Runaway (five times)-first runaway at 11 years old.

· Not adjudicated

Shoplifting-12 years old

· Misdemeanor adjudicated

Theft by Taking-14 years old

· Felony adjudicated

Truancy-12-15 years old

· Not adjudicated

Substance Abuse

Marijuana: started at 11 years old

Gang Affiliation

Associate of criminal street gang members

Older brother is gang affiliated


Medicine for ADHD: currently not taking due to runaway status

Current Placement

Local Detention Center

Prior Placement

Local Detention Center (2 times)

Group Home (6 months)

Outpatient substance treatment-did not complete

Trauma History

Parental Abandonment

Parental Loss

Sexually Abused by relative at 5 years old (reported but no official services for the abuse received as of this date)

Additional other facts

Jennifer has a history of having relationships and living with other older females. These relationships have caused ongoing strain between herself and her grandmother. At times, her grandmother has not wanted her back in the home. She has a strained relationship with all her siblings, and her older brother has a history of criminal and gang activity.

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Copyright 2022 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved.


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