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see attachment  Essay: Heredity and Environment Instructions: 1. Find two investigations related to

see attachment 

Essay: Heredity and Environment


1. Find two investigations related to studies evaluating heredity/environmental factors in different settings.

2. Write an essay explaining what the selected studies consisted of. Include the type of research, procedure, findings, and conclusions regarding the influence of environment and/or genetics on the development of the participants.

3. Voice your opinion on the findings and explain them.

4. Consider the following: Use a word processor like Word to complete the 

· Your essay should be a minimum of 5 pages long (one for introduction, two for development, one for conclusion, and one for references). It must be in Times New Roman font, size 12, double-spaced.

· Your essay must follow APA style (You must cite your sources of information throughout the essay and include references in APA style).

5. Use a word processor, such as Word, to complete the Assignment 

6. Include bibliographic references in writing.

Submission Instructions:

· Submit your assignment by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday.

· Review the rubric to determine how your assignment will be graded.

· Your assignment will be run through Turnitin to check for plagiarism.  If you are new to Turnitin, 

review the information
 in the Student Resource Center about it.

If you are new to Canvas, follow 

these directionsLinks to an external site.
 for submitting your assignments and review the 

academic expectations
 for your submission. Follow these instructions to review your grades and comments from your professor after it is graded 

these instructionsLinks to an external site.

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