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see attachment  Module 5: Word Processing Programs and Key Features Instructions: 1. Select two basic functions of word

see attachment 

Module 5: Word Processing Programs and Key Features


1. Select two basic functions of word processing programs.

2. Use a chart diagram to compare the two basic functions and their key features. You must include at least four characteristics in each column. Write complete sentences and be mindful of grammar errors. To see an example of a chart diagram, go to Lecture Content & Materials to access the link.

3. Use a word processing program to create your chart and to add the information. You can insert graphics to illustrate and accompany the comparison.


Be sure to review the 

academic expectations
 for your submission.

Submission Instructions:

· Submit your assignment by 11:59 p.m. ET on Sunday.

· Contribute a minimum of 2 pages. It should include (1) academic source, formatted and cited in APA 7th.


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