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see attachment Unit VII Essay HCL For this assignment, research a medical care system that is provided within a foreign

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Unit VII Essay HCL

For this assignment, research a medical care system that is provided within a foreign country (not in the United States). For example, you can conduct an Internet search by looking up phrases such as “health care in Germany.”

Once you have examined the medical care system in that country, address the following questions in your essay:

· Provide a brief introduction. What country did you select, and how do they provide medical care to citizens?

· What do they offer or do not offer when compared to the United States system? Does their system appear “more ethical”?

· What workplace laws or regulations are in place? How does law impact health care professionals of that country?

· Do you believe their laws contradict or support the professional obligations of a medical provider? What parameters are in place to address topics such as death and dying, quality of life issues, or right to life issues?

· As a leader in the medical community, do you believe that having free health care is a basic human right and you should advocate for free medical care? Support your position with an example based on legal or ethical perspectives.

· Explain the components of patient privacy laws and regulations used to protect medical records in the nation which you selected.

Support your essay with at least two references from the 
CSU Online Library.
Your essay must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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