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see attachments Read the Angel Case Study . Assume you are an intern

see attachments

Read the

Angel Case Study

Assume you are an intern for a local substance abuse facility.

The treatment team at your substance abuse facility has requested your input for a report they will prepare for a regional organization.

Based on the case study,
write a 700-word summary report for the treatment team, in which you:

1. Analyze the effects of Angel’s substance abuse and addiction on his life, including the impact on the following:

· His marriage

· His adult children

· His health

· His legal status

2. Explain how the adjunct substance abuse treatment support available in the correctional setting supports Angel. Include the following in your summary report:

· Identify one of the following programs: AA, NA, or another 12-Step program, SMART recovery, mindfulness recovery, or Peer recovery coaching.

· Briefly describe the program you select for Angel (how long it is, what the focus is, etc.).

· Briefly describe how the principles of the program will assist Angel to maintain sobriety.

· Briefly describe the research that supports the effectiveness of the treatment program you would like Angel to attend.

3. Explain why Angel would benefit from group treatment strategies for substance abuse treatment while he is ordered to the correctional system.

· Briefly describe the benefits to Angel from this type of therapy.

· Briefly describe how long Angel will be in this form of treatment.

· Briefly describe any special considerations that should be taken into account for Angel’s offender status with substance abuse disorders.

4. Discuss why you believe Angel would benefit from individual therapy to address his PTSD and anxiety disorder.

· Briefly describe the benefits to Angel from this type of therapy.

· Briefly describe how long Angel will be in this form of treatment.

· Briefly describe any special considerations that should be taken into account for Angel’s offender status with substance abuse disorders.

Include a minimum of 3 references.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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