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Select one of the theories from this week’s readings (Rehabilitation, Restorative Justice, or Early Intervention) and briefly identify the pros and cons

Select one of the theories from this week’s readings (Rehabilitation, Restorative Justice, or Early Intervention) and briefly identify the pros and cons of a correctional system designed to accomplish the goals aligned with the selected correctional theory. After establishing the pros and cons, argue whether this theory should (or should not) be the predominant theory guiding the U.S. corrections system. Make sure explain why or why not and support your response with empirical data and/or citations to assigned readings.

BOOK:  Cullen, F. T., & Jonson, C. (2016; may be listed as 2017). Correctional theory: Context and Consequences (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 

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