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Select one of the topics below: Autonomic computing Grid computing Nanotechnology N-tier client/server architectures On-demand computing Service-oriented

Select one of the topics below:

  • Autonomic computing
  • Grid computing
  • Nanotechnology
  • N-tier client/server architectures
  • On-demand computing
  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  • Storage area networks (SANs)
  • Virtualization

Write a research paper on the real-world application of the chosen technology. Your paper should include the type of organization(s) that benefits most from this technology. Elaborate on what business problem the technology solves. Also, how does it help the organization achieve one or more of the following:

  1. Achieve operational excellence through higher levels of efficiency and productivity
  2. Create new products, services, and business models
  3. Raise revenue and profits while lowering costs by increasing customer and supplier intimacy
  4. Improve decision making for managers and employees
  5. Increase competitive advantages
  6. Ensure survival caused by business environment changes

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