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STUDENT 1 Purpose To practice using literary devices and preparing to use them in our Spark Grant Proposals Tasks Choose three literary devices from



To practice using literary devices and preparing to use them in our Spark Grant Proposals


  1. Choose three literary devices from the class list(Word document ) and create original examples for each of those devices. Ideally, these examples should relate to your Spark Grants topic and can be used verbatim in your final proposal.
  2. Find one literary device that I did not go over in my literary devices lecture(BBB BELLOW) and create an original example for it. I recommend searching for “literary devices” or “rhetorical devices.”
  3. For each example, you must also include an appropriate and relevant image. All images found online must include MLA multimedia citations with the proper Creative Commons license. Alternatively, you can use your own images and give them TAL (Iword documents image 1)licensesLinks to an external site..

Here’s an example assignment.(word document picture 2).

BBB: where is what the teacher has talk about

Comparison :Simile metaphor,analogy

Pattern:alliteration,assonance parallelism,anaphora,chiasmus,antimetabole,asyndeton,polysyndeton,antithesis,climax 

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