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Student 2(liver cancer) After writing your working thesis statement, please submit your central thought (working thesis statement) and four (or more)

Student 2(liver cancer)

After writing your working thesis statement, please submit your central thought (working thesis statement) and four (or more) supporting points. These supporting points come from our Fed UpLinks to an external site. video. 

Here are the requirements for the final draft of our argument paper:

-Use your outline to organize your ideas

-Minimum of 6 paragraphs, each at least 4 sentences long. You may write a longer paper and have more sentences per paragraph, but these are the minimum length requirements

-First paragraph is your introduction. It will end with your thesis statement

-Four (or more) supporting paragraphs, each beginning with a topic sentence. These four paragraphs support your working thesis statement – they build support for your argument. Transitional words and phrases should be used in each paragraph. Each paragraph will have in-text citations from your video notes.

-Conclusion that gives support for the other side of the argument. For example, if you think the government should regulate all processed foods and labeling, give reasons against your argument.  This shows that you have considered arguments opposed to your perspective and thus strengthens your position as well thought out.

-All typed in MLA format.

Now that you understand the requirements of our argument paper, please watch the following YouTube videos for more information:

Link (the importance of prewriting on youtube by Richard Nokes)

Now, submit your outline with the central point (Thesis statement) and at least four supporting ideas. Submit as following:

Working Thesis Statement:

     -1st supporting detail

     – 2nd supporting detail

     -3rd supporting detail

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