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Students will create a Literacy Plan based on their learning in this course. Read/view the resources in Module 4 and use them to help you design a plan.

Students will create a Literacy Plan based on their learning in this course. Read/view the resources in Module 4 and use them to help you design a plan. Students will create a one-page infographic to share their ideas. 

learning material below and more in the files

  1. Read/ View the resources in Module 4.
  2. Use an application such as Canva(create a free account) or Microsoft to create a one-page infographic to promote reading in a school- choose any grade level and content area.

(side note: elementary grade level and any content area)

  1. Include graphics and list a minimum of four ideas for promoting reading.
  2. You can search “reading infographic” on Google to find examples.
  3. You MUST include a Reference list of at least two of the resources from the Module.(APA citations)
  4. Submit the infographic as a PDF file.
  5. This assignment is a part of your final or Benchmark Performance Assessment.

(side note: I can convert to PDF file if needed )

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