Summative Assessment: ● This summative focuses on a Communication Plan that utilizes all of the strategic communication theory you have learned

Summative Assessment:

● This summative focuses on a Communication Plan that utilizes all of the
strategic communication theory you have learned about throughout the entire
course. The goal is to equip you with applicable tools and knowledge you can
use to implement processes specific to your needs and the needs of your

● Your Communication Plan should include:
○ The needs analysis of your organization. This should specifically

outline the communication needs of your organization and why
they exist. You should also include the stakeholders who are
impacted and how they are impacted by this need area.

○ The goals and solutions to support your communication needs.
Take the identified need and connect it to research and solutions.
Think about the communication theories that you have learned
about and connect these to your need analysis.

○ The communication tools needed to meet the identified need for
your organization. Include 4 tools that can be utilized to meet your
organization’s goals.

Document Type/Template:

● Your plan can be formatted as a written paper or a visual presentation.
● The written paper should be 6-10 pages in length, not including a title page or

reference page.
● The visual presentation should include 10+ slides.
● Your submission must be formatted according to APA guidelines and include

scholarly sources

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