
Examine the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Research and find three conflicting primary and three conflicting secondary accounts of the event.

Examine the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Research and find three conflicting primary and three conflicting secondary accounts of the event. Analyze the differing viewpoints and evaluate them for historical value, significance, accuracy, and bias. Can you resolve the differences between the sources? Why or why not? Create a 6-8-slide PowerPoint presentation that examines […]

Analyze and critically evaluate the impact of early exploration and settlement on both Europe and North America.  What do believe was the greatest negative

Analyze and critically evaluate the impact of early exploration and settlement on both Europe and North America.  What do believe was the greatest negative and positive impact of the interaction between Europeans and Native societies? In what respect did interactions not only change Europe and North America, but instead create a new global society?

Working historians are expected to “publish or perish.” In 750-1,000 words, develop a plan for publication of your final Research Paper. Create an outline

Working historians are expected to “publish or perish.” In 750-1,000 words, develop a plan for publication of your final Research Paper. Create an outline of your plan that includes: A marketable “elevator speech” about your research. In this short paragraph, introduce the topic and what it adds to the larger conversations going on in that […]