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      Team 4: Pamela, Tanyell, & Melesha Team Leader: Melesha  Zoom meeting: 6/20 @




Team 4: Pamela, Tanyell, & Melesha

Team Leader: Melesha 

Zoom meeting: 6/20 @ 4:30pm

Follow-up: 6/27


Problem and Purpose
Problem: What is the study’s problem?
Purpose: What is the study’s purpose? Comment by Melesha Green-Fredrick: Assigned to Pamela:
Problem and Purpose
Literature Review & Framework
Research Objectives
Variables: Major & Demographic

Literature review and Framework
Literature Review
: Are the references current? Examine the number of sources in the last 5-10 years in the reference list.

· Is the literature review presented?

· Are relevant studies identified and described?

· Are relevant theories and models identified and described?

Framework: Is a study framework identified? (Conceptual or theoretical)

· Is the framework explicitly stated and described or do you need to extract it from the literature review?

· Is a particular theory or model identified as the framework for the study?

· Does the framework define the concepts of interest and present the relationship among the concepts?

· Link the concepts in the framework with the variables in the study.

· Is a map or model (picture) of the framework provided for visual clarity? If a map or model is not presented, develop one that represents the study’s framework and describe it.

· Is the framework related to nursing’s body of knowledge?

Research Objectives:
Are research objectives, questions, or hypotheses used to direct the conduct of the study? Identify these.

Major Variables
Are the major variables or concepts identified and defined (conceptually and operationally)? Identify and define the appropriate variables included in the study:

· Independent variable

· Dependent variable

· Research variables or concepts

Demographic Variables:

· What attribute or demographic variables are examined in the study?

Research Design:
Is the research design clearly addressed

? Comment by Melesha Green-Fredrick: Assigned to Melesha:
Research Design
Sample & Sampling
Measurements & Data Collection
Statistical Analysis

· Identify the specific design of the study

· Does the study include a treatment or intervention? If so, is the treatment clearly described and consistently implemented?

· If the study has more than one group, how were the subjects assigned to groups?

· Are the extraneous variables identified and controlled?

· Were pilot study findings used to design the major study? Briefly discuss the pilot study and the findings. Indicate the changes made in the major study based on the pilot.

Sample and sampling:
Are the following elements of the sample described?

· Inclusion and exclusion criteria?

· Method used to obtain the sample. Did the researchers identify the sampling frame for the study?

· Identify the sample size. Indicate if a power analysis was conducted to determine sample size.

· What number and percentage of the potential subjects refused to participate?

· Identify the characteristics of the sample.

· Discuss the IRB approval obtained from university and/or agency where the study was conducted.

· Identify the informed consent obtained from the subjects.

· Discuss the setting and whether it was appropriate for the conduct of the study.

Measurements (Instruments) and Data Collection:

· Identify the author of each instrument used and the type of each measurement strategy (i.e. Likert scale, visual analogue scale, physiological

· Measurement, questionnaire, observation, or interview).

· Identify the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio) achieved with each instrument.

· Discuss how each instrument was developed.

· Report the reliability and validity of each instrument or scale from previous studies or the current study.

· Discuss the precision and accuracy of the physiological measurement methods used (if any were used).

**See table at end of guidelines for formatting instrument and statistics for evaluation.
Data collection

· How were the study procedures implemented and data collected during the study?

Statistical Analysis
What statistical analyses are included in the research report?

· Identify the analysis (statistical) techniques used to describe the sample.

· Was the level of significance or alpha identified? If so, indicate the level (.05, .01, etc.)

Complete the table (end of this rubric) with the analysis techniques conducted in the study.

· Identify the focus (description, relationships, or differences) of each analysis technique

· List the statistical procedures

· List the statistics used

· Identify specific results

· Provide a specific probability value (
p) as show in example table (end of rubric)

Interpretation of Findings
What is the researcher’s interpretation of the findings

? Comment by Melesha Green-Fredrick: Assigned to Tanyell:
Interpretation of Findings
Conclusions of Study
Overall Analysis

· Are the results related to the study framework? If so, do the findings support the study’s framework?

· Which findings are consistent with those expected?

· Which findings are unexpected?

· Are the findings consistent with previous research findings?

Are the limitations of the study identified by the research? If so, please explain.

· Consider other limitations not mentioned in the publication. What other limitations were present but not discussed?

Conclusions of Study
What conclusions did the researcher identify based on this study and previous research?

· Are the conclusions supported by the findings in the study?

· Is the researcher “stretching” the significance of the study?

Overall Analysis:
Was the research problem significant to practice, administration, research or education?

· Did the study generate or refine knowledge for nursing practice?

· What were the major strengths of the study?

· What were the major weaknesses of the study?

· Do the findings accurately reflect reality as you know it? Are the findings credible?

· Could the study be replicated in the future by other researchers? What additional information would someone need to replicate this study?

· What do you recommend as the next steps in researching this area of study?

Writing Mechanics and APA
: Comment by Melesha Green-Fredrick: Assigned to ALL team members:
Writing Mechanics
APA format
Reference Page Citations

· There are no spelling errors.

· There are no grammar errors

Paper is written in correct APA format

· Title page/running heading format

· Margins

· Headings/subheadings

· In-text citations

Reference page citations

Example Table for Instrument Evaluation

Name of Instrument

Author/ Year

Measurement Strategy

Level of Measurement

Development of Instrument

Reliability of Precision

Validity of Accuracy

Beck Depression Inventory

Beck 1999

Likert Scale

Treated as interval/ratio data

Not addressed in study

Cronbach alpha previous studies .82 to .89 and for current study, .86

Convergent and divergent validity from previous studies achieved but no details provided in current study.

Example Table for Statistical Evaluation

Purpose of Analysis

Statistical Procedure (test)

Statistic Symbol

Results in study

Probability (

Description of subject’s pulse rate


Standard Deviation






Difference between males and females B/P




p = .04

© 2019 ECPI

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