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Telehealth Concerns In this writing assignment, you will write a one-page paper in which you explain telehealth concerns related to

Telehealth Concerns

In this writing assignment, you will write a one-page paper in which you explain telehealth concerns related to patient care.

Step 1 You are a registered nurse who works with wound-care patients. J. S. is a 34-year-old woman who had a mastectomy six weeks ago. She developed a staph infection, and the surgical site was debrided as part of the treatment.

You now care for J. S. at her home and photograph her wound. The photos are sent to the multidisciplinary care team at the wound center. The team makes changes in the treatment plan based on your assessment and photographs of the wound. A physician in a nearby state also has a weekly video conference with J. S. about the plan of care.

Step 2 Include responses to the following questions in your paper:

· What concerns about using telehealth do you have for J. S.?

· What potential liability or licensure concerns exist?

· What privacy concerns potentially exist?

· What limitations might telehealth have in this case?


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