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The company I chose was WorldCom. WorldCom was one of the long-distance scandal accounting company in the country.  I truly believe the CEOs and other

The company I chose was WorldCom. WorldCom was one of the long-distance scandal accounting company in the country.  I truly believe the CEOs and other corporate officers involved were held responsible because they could lose their job. Stated on the WorldCom Scandal “Employees in the financial and accounting groups believed that forcefully objecting to conduct that they was being directed by Sullivan would cost them their jobs; few of them were prepared to take that risk.” It also stated that some of the employers did make complaints to their supervisors as well as refused to take certain actions they considered inappropriate . I believe the employees were put at risk and some may needed their jobs and had a family to feed and couldn’t risk losing their job. 

I also believe that government oversight is a necessity because it would help keep everyone safe and it help businesses to acting ethical. It’s really unfair that the employees were forced to do wrongdoing so they could keep their jobs. 

Respond to at least two of your peers who focused on a company other than the one you selected. Offer your own perspectives on whether the CEOs and other corporate officers involved were justly held criminally responsible or not.

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