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The purpose of this assignment is to illuminate the impact of government stakeholders on health care law and policy while examining the role of

The purpose of this assignment is to illuminate the impact of government stakeholders on health care law and policy while examining the role of economic evaluation in policy making.

As the health care system continues to be reformed, the impact of stakeholder positions has been the subject of close examination.

Select a stakeholder from among the following groups: global (e.g., World Health Organization), federal (e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), state (e.g., Department of Health Services), or local level (e.g., county health department).

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation containing 6-8 slides, including speaker notes (voice-over recording is allowed), in which you address the following points:

1. Describe the stakeholder group’s position on a current initiative.

2. Provide the goal and intended outcome of the initiative.

3. Explain how the initiative would be enforced, funded, and implemented.

4. Describe the impact of the identified stakeholder on health care law and policy.

5. Explain what economic evaluation is involved in this initiative or policy.

6. Describe why the initiative is important to the stakeholder and how it fits into their overall mission.

A minimum of two scholarly sources must be cited, including your textbook.

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