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There are 4 case studies but you have to only pick one and use the template attached  Case # (1, 2, 3 or 4) and Description of the

There are 4 case studies but you have to only pick one and use the template attached 

Case # (1, 2, 3 or 4) and Description of the Case Chosen:

Case 1: Cindy

Case 2: Maxine

Case 3: Lucy

Case 4: Nadine

Outline Subjective data.

Identify data provided in your chosen case and any additional data needed.


Objective findings.

Identify findings provided in your chosen case and any additional data needed.

Identify diagnostic tests, procedures, laboratory work indicated.

Describe the rationale for each test or intervention with supporting references.

Distinguish at least three differential diagnoses.

Describe the rationales for your choice of each diagnosis with supporting references.

Identify appropriate medications, treatments or other interventions associated with each differential diagnosis.

Describe rationales and supporting references for each.

Explain key

Social Determinants of Heath (SDoH) for your chosen case.

Describe collaborative care referrals and patient education needs for your chosen case.

Describe rationales and supporting references for each.

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